Our event dashboard is designed to show information about event sales, provide shortcuts to useful reports, and find orders to check-in tickets.
Event Details (1)
Event information is shown in this first box. The “Edit” button will navigate to the edit event page. When you are editing an event, you will see that this blue button will say “Manage” and will bring you back to the dashboard.The toggle switch allows users to publish and unpublished the event. If published, the switch will be blue (shown above) and text at the top of the box will confirm it is “Published”. If unpublished, the switch will be grey and the text will change to red and say “Unpublished”.The three dots at the top of this box will give you the option to preview the event.
Event Dates (2)
The Event Dates will be shown here in this box. You can select or unselect dates by clicking on the date. Only the data from selected dates will be shown on the dashboard. In the image below you can see that clicking on a date will toggle on and off the data for the orders and sales related to that date. The selected dates will also determine which data are included in the reports and the batch printing options on this page (more details below).
Event Reports (3)
The most common reports for events are available in this section of your dashboard. The data included in these reports is determined by which event dates are selected. When a report is chosen, the data will be displayed on screen, and there will be an option to download the report as a CSV file for printing.Here is an overview of the reports that are provided on the event dashboard:
- Ticket Manifest - a row for each ticket with name, email and ticket info (row, seat, etc.)
- Ticket Check-ins - a row for each ticket with name and check-in status
- Customer Manifest - a row for each ticket type in an order with name, email and number of tickets of that type
- Sales by Event - a one-row summary of the event with ticket and revenue values
- Sales by Ticket Category - summary of event with ticket and revenue values with rows for each ticket category
- Registrations - a row for each completed registration form
- Orders - a row for each order with ticket, purchase date, revenue, fees and registration answers
Sales Data (4)
The three boxes with sales data will show Net Revenue, Net Revenue Today, and Sales by Ticket Category. The data displayed depends upon which event dates are selected (see section 2 in this article).
Orders (5)
The orders are displayed here. When orders are present, expanding this section will allow for searching orders by customer name, email, or order number. The express checkout button or plus (+) button here will open a checkout page for the selected event date(s). The “three dots” menu on the right side of each order will give additional options, including the new option to “check in” tickets. There are more details for this process in our Day-of Operations article.
Batch Print (6)
Batch printing for any Will Call or Send in Mail tickets for the selected dates can be done here with just a few clicks. There are more details for this process in our Will Call and Send in Mail articles.
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