The Organization Settings are where you'll be able to edit the information about your organization, including banking information for receiving payments and contact information for ticket-holder questions. To navigate to your Organization Settings, click on Settings and select Organization Settings.
Edit Organization Settings
New (2023-04-26): If you do not have a physical address entered for your organization then you will be forced to add one before you can update any of your organization information here.
- Organization Basics: Edit the name, address, phone number, website, image, short, and long description for you organization.
- Payment Information: Set the refund policy and note the payout frequency.
- Fees: Toggle on or off sales tax or any other additional fees for ticket sales.
- Delivery Methods: Set the available delivery methods for tickets sold.
- Contacts: Add contact information for your box office.
- Links: Your URL for your organization's event list page.
Add Bank Info - Connect with Stripe
Only an Account Owner may add or edit banking information in an organization. You may begin selling tickets before entering bank account info. Our system will simply queue any payouts owed to you until bank info has been entered.
To enter banking info, sign in as the account owner and the "Connect with Stripe" button will be available. Follow the prompts to add your banking information.
Organization Basics
Click the carrot icon to the right of the Organization Basics card to expand the basic settings for your organization. Here you can edit the Name, Address, Website, and Phone Number for your organization. You can also upload a Logo, add a Description, and write up any Details you would like to communicate about your organization. Click the Save Organization button at the bottom of the page to save any changes you've made.
Contact information that is entered in Organization Basics will show on every event page and on an organization's information page. On the event pages, the Name, Address, Phone Number and Image are all shown under the venue info and map. The Short Description will be shown on your organization page, and the Long Description will show on the information tab on the organization's page (see image below in the Links section of this article).
Payment Information
Click the carrot icon to the right of the Payment Information card to expand the payment settings for your organization. Here you will be able to view the current Payout Schedule for your organization's ticket sales. If you would like to change our payout schedule, reach out to your sales rep for more information. From the Payment Information dashboard, you will also be able to choose a Refund Policy for your organization. Click the Save Payment Information button at the bottom of the page to save any changes you've made or click the carrot icon a second time to collapse the settings.
Click the carrot icon to the right of the Fees card to expand the fee settings for your organization. If your media partner has created any additional fees for sales tax, you'll be able to toggle them on here. Click the toggle next to any fee(s) you'd like to charge to your ticket buyer. When an additional fee is toggled on, your ticket buyers will see an additional line item at checkout for that fee. Click the Save Fees button to save any changes you've made or click the carrot icon a second time to collapse the Fees settings.
Sales Tax fees are charged against the price of the ticket and are included in your payout for ticket revenue.
Delivery Methods
Click the carrot icon to the right of the Delivery Methods card to expand the ticket delivery settings for your organization. E-Tickets will be toggled on by default. You may toggle on any other ticket delivery methods that you would like to have populate in the settings of your events that you create going forward. Your default ticket delivery methods can then be toggled on or off on an event by event basis from the settings of the event if needed. Click the carrot icon a second time to collapse your Delivery Method settings.
Don't see an option for the method by which you'd like to deliver tickets? See our article Add a Ticket Delivery Method for guidance on creating your own.
Head to your organization settings (see animation at top of article). Click the carrot icon to the right of the Contacts card to expand the Contact settings for your organization. Contacts for your organization will be displayed to ticket buyers on your organization page.
Click the "+" icon to add a contact to your organization. Enter in relevant information and "Add Contact" to save.
Contact information will be visible on the organization's information page. See more about this information page and where to find it in the "Links" section of this article.
The URL listed in the links card on the organization settings page is the link to the organization's main page. This is a convenient link to share as the homepage for the organization. This page will show an event list of just your events and have tabs for viewing contact information.
Clicking on the pencil will open an option to edit the url. Be careful when editing the url for your organization and only do so if it is absolutely necessary. Changing this url will break any existing external links to your organization page.
How will your organization information appear?
An organization's information page can be found by visiting the main page and selecting the "Information" tab. All of the available contact information and the long description entered in the Organization Basics is displayed here.

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